Survey of Personal Information Management base on Electronic Information

Document Type : Original article


1 Department of Information Science of Knowledge, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Department of Medical Engineering, Azad Eslami Ghazvin University, Ghazvin, Iran.ghazvin azad islamic university



Background: The rapid growth of computer technology in recent decades suggests that people today, in addition to print media, have many electronic information items that need to be managed appropriately and have increased the use of personal computers.
Aims: This Researches descriptive and analytical based on the purpose of applied Research, and in terms of data collection and nature and comparison between the activities of personal information management and two measures of knowledge and skills has been presented.
Methodology: The statistical population includes the students of Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in Ahvaz in the academic year 2017-2018. To determine the statistical population, the sampling method was used by determining the total number of students 1300 and using the Karjesi-Morgan table, the approximate number of the sample was determined to be 297. The data collection was done using the questionnaire of 2012 and in order to analyze Pearson and Spearman correlation tests and AMOS and SPSS software were used.
Results: The results of the survey show that knowledge and skill variables have a significant and positive effect on personal information management, and age, level of education, and school of study have a significant and positive effect on personal information management.
Conclusions: The results of the research show that the status of personal information management of medical students in Jundishapur Ahvaz has a positive and meaningful effect based on the knowledge and skills of the students. According to the changes made in the management of personal information activities, it can be said that the difference in the amount and amount created in the variables of personal information management can be seen. The main reasons for this can include not having enough time, work pressures and lack of familiarity with the activities required for personal information management.


Main Subjects

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